Article en Anglais sur Turrou et l'Affaire Seznec. Il s'agit d'une traduction d'un article de Nora Moreau du Parisien / Aujourd'hui en France publié en 2020 à la sortie de mon livre : "Affaire Seznec : Les archives du FBI ont parlé"
"At the end of May 1923 in Morlaix, Pierre Quéméneur, general councilor of Finistère, appreciated by all and wise entrepreneur, disappeared without a trace. Shortly before, he had approached a modest trader, a certain Guillaume Seznec. Together, they would have made several trips with the objective of investing in a sale of Cadillac to the Soviet Union.
A fact that did not seem essential to justice in its time, but which is resurfacing today thanks to extensive research in the depths of the archives of the FBI, the American criminal investigation and interior intelligence services. A fact that could shed a little more light on the relationship between Quéméneur and Seznec, and call into question the hypothesis of an accidental death of Quéméneur, on May 27, 1923, after a possible sexual assault on Seznec's wife. Around these revelations, a disturbing character: Leon Turrou."
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